Let the fun begin!
AirVenture 2008 consists of lots of aviation enthusiasts and lots of aircraft. This week over 10,000 aircraft will fly into Wittman Field & over 38,000 people will camp at Camp Scholler in motorhomes, pop-ups and tents. The remaining 600,000 plus people attending for the week come from all over the US plus anywhere from 60 – 80 countries.

New control tower commissioned July 2008
The first big event is the arrival of 1 of 3 Boeing 747's used to transport parts manufactured all around the world for the fabrication of the new Dreamliner.

Modified Boeing 747
As the days progress, more large aircraft fly into Wittman Field and are displayed for viewing. You can take pictures and actually touch and enter some of the aircraft.
Navy observation airplane
Osprey used by Special Forces
U-2 Spy Plane
Only hilo authorized for aerobatic flight
Nicknamed the Red Bull, this hilo flys an arobatic routine each day in the air show. Anyone for slow rolls and loops in a helicopter?

Always in the sky
Ford Tri-motor
You can buy rides in this Ford Tri-motor. Yes - Ford motor company use to build airplanes and flight attendants were registered nurses to care for the passengers. Getting air sick was common.

Missing man formation

Flown from the sea plane base for display
There are dozens of tents set up for how-to seminars and guest speakers. There are two outdoor theaters, one for aviation movies, the other for live performances each evening. Homebuilders usually fly in early to display their handmade planes, which are more beautiful than you can imagine.

Glasair 3 kit plane
Just like a model airplane you flew as a kid, you purchase the individuial parts, glue them together and go fly.

Hilo toy
Don’t forget the rotor-craft and what we call Bug-smashers! We love watching them come in on the grass landing strip using their feet for brakes. We think they have more fun than anyone.

This looks like FUN!

Set a world speed record over 350 MPH @ OSH

Capt Bob & Gloggle Bob

Dave & Stacey spend wedding anniversity At OSH
Neighbor Brooks homebound

F-22, P-38, P-51 in formation
Special permission was obtained from the Pentagon for these historic planes to fly together in formation.
Single engine jet for the common man
DC-3 used by the Liberty Sky Jumping Team This DC-3 with a smile carries about 10 skyjumpers with various flags and is the start of each air show, featuring the world’s best precision aviators. They’re small, sleek, & fast.

Old Glory is about to land
Aero Shell performers
Having some FUN
One of kind biplane built for & flown by Sean Tucker
Sean Tucker taking a bow
After each performance, the pilots are taken in a red Mustang down the flight line so the audience can see each performer & show their gratitude. Applause is always welcome. These professionals donate their services to AirVenture each year.

P-51 ready to do battle with the enemy
On weekends, the war birds come out to play, staging mock bombings and formation flying. Sometimes there are over 70 planes in the air simultaneously. It is a sight to behold!

Japanese fighter
Bomb drop by B-25
B-25 landing after bomb run
Large bomb drop - you can feel the HEAT
B-17 landing after bomb drop
Victory formation
British Harrier jet
F-22 Rapter
The Rapter is the front line fighter with over 90 flying in the US inventory. At approximately $100,000,000 per copy - & 70,000 pounds of thrust, it can fly straight up immediately after lift off. Only the best get to fly these - a real crowd-pleaser.

Rocket plane
Actually powered by a rocket engine, the Rocket Plane was specifically built for air racing & will be flown in Reno NV. To slow down to maneuver around the pylons, the engine must be turned on and off. The engine has two speeds: on and off! Yes, it is extremely loud & a sight to see.

Electric motored plane
AirAventure Museum
Air show planes on display
Historic aircraft
SpaceShip One configuation on ascent
SpaceShip One configuation on descent
After 24/7 at Oshkosh AirAventure 2008 it is time to packup and fly home. Unfortunately we are not in this group. Maybe in our next life!
If you are an aviation buff, proceed right to the EAA website. If you have high speed internet, download the movie, Spirit of Oshkosh, narrated by Harrison Ford. It does a better job of explaining why we come to Oshkosh for the AirVenture better than anything we are capable of saying or showing you.
Next: Door County WI and Fish Boils!
Hello Honey and Bob!
This is Brooks, your Airventure neighbor. Your Pictures turned out wonderfully. I hope your both well, and having tons of fun on your travels. I'm looking forward to seeing where else your travels take you. Travel safe!
Hey Mate, those are some awesome photos you have there!
Myself and my girlfriend are absolutely nuts about planes and here in New Zealand they dont seem to have any!
I reckon we are going to have to go on an "Airshow holiday", you guys seem to get all the good stuff over there in the US.
All the best from Auckland
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