Sunday, November 9, 2008

Our first "real time" post!

Bob, Chris & Odie

Okay, color this under the heading "will wonders never cease!" - our first real time post. After leaving the Everglades, we drove to the Rally Park Campground in Seffner, a suburb of Tampa, FL. Here I have nowhere I especially want to go, a high speed air card connection and time to work. Half the work I needed to do got done, and I've used the rest to blog to take advantage of the high speed internet connection. Tomorrow when we get to St. George Island, I will be lucky to get on line. I'm not forgetting I've yet to finish North Carolina, or even start on South Carolina and Georgia. I'm peddling as fast as I can!

Yesterday, when Bob signed up for another night, low and behold he ran into the "Geeks on Tour" team, Jim & Chris Guld who are giving seminars this coming week. Chris, you made Bob's day. She not only recognized him, but remembered his name. Bob came back beaming & grinning from ear to ear.

Today, I walked over to their coach to say hello and meet cute little Odie, who gives marvelous doggy kisses. I invited Chris (Jim had left) to come over to meet the kitties. She graciously did, and we took pictures of each other.

I can't say enough good things about the service Jim & Chris offer. Check out their website: Geeks on Tour. They have a great blog as well: Geeks on Tour Blog-site. I am so happy to call myself a member, you will be too. Check out their service.

Finally, I leave you with another picture of the Everglades. This one never made it to the web album, but I thought it would make a nice close. See you later on St. George Island!

Coming soon: St. George Island State Park

1 comment:

Michael Lockridge said...

Howdy. I bumped over here from "Geeks on Tour", since they mentioned you. Nice blog! Great photos! It looks like you are having a wonderful adventure.

I follow a lot of full and part timers as a vicarious travel experience. My turn to adventure has not yet come, but I do get to blog a trip from time to time. I also blog some other things, including some short stories and a blog about barbecue.

Good luck on your continued travels!

Michael Lockridge